The world-renowned Lithium Triangle consists of three countries: Argentina, Bolivia and Chile. As a mining company in Argentina, with existing infrastructure, distribution networks and vast experience throughout the mining process, L.T. Extraction works is well placed to sustainably supply vast amounts of lithium to the international market for years, even decades, to come.

Argentina is widely thought to hold the third-largest lithium reserves, estimated to be in the region of 6.5 million tons of the sought-after metal. And with the market for lithium-ion batteries set to surpass $60 billion by 2024, according to Global Market Insights, we aim to continue expanding our lithium mining operations in several lithium-rich areas where it can be economically extracted and processed.

Millions of tons of lithium sit in the northern Salar de Llullaillaco area and the rich deposits there, where we already have existing operations and are planning to expand. This salt flat is believed to hold some of the richest known lithium brine deposits and spans an area of 3,000 square kilometers.

The three Lithium Triangle countries of Argentina, Chile and Bolivia dominate the lithium mining and supply industry, with information about their Salars detailed below.

Salar de Llullaillaco Uyuni Atacama
Altitude [km] 4.3 3.7 2.3
Area [km2] 570 8,000 3,000
Lithium Concentration [%/t] 0.0620 0.0350 0.1500
Mg/Li Ratio 1.4 18.6 6.4
Evaporation [mm/year] 2,300 1,500 3,200

The Lithium Triangle countries of Argentina, Chile and Bolivia hold somewhat of a lithium monopoly due to the economic extractability of the reserves and the abundance of the metal.

In Argentina in 2017, it is estimated that a total of around 8,000 metric tons of lithium were produced, while figures from 2018 show a total of 33,500 tons of lithium carbonate equivalent were produced.

We are committed to economical extraction while meeting the ever growing demand for lithium

Currently, Argentina is home to the third-largest reserves of lithium, with an estimated 45% to 50% of the reserves, importantly, economically extractable